We wanted to develop our mission further, which is to “enable B2B companies to meet their prospects through a personalised and innovative digital approach”.
Personalisation is about analysing your target audience, understanding their interests and engaging them with content you’re confident they’ll find useful.
Nowadays, that’s what sales is all about: giving your users real value, not charming them with sweet sales talk. True personalisation is essential, yet it takes time to prepare your approach.
When it comes to digitalisation, with traditional sales and marketing channels like B2B conferences, trade fairs and networking events almost coming to a standstill, more and more B2B companies have embraced digital outreach in a big way.
Gartner‘s Future of Sales 2025 report predicts that by 2025, 80% of B2B sales interactions between suppliers and buyers will occur in digital channels.
Anticipating the future of sales is essential to match the environment and needs from our future clients.
To further explore this topic, we recommend this report from McKinsey & Company. It presents how top sales innovators are embedding data and technology throughout their organisations to reimagine sales.